Cutesy the Elf is doing his best to bring joy to our December mornings. Here is what he has been up to lately:
Boogs is taking film classes in college so Cutesy brought him his own clapboard.
That Purple Minion likes to cause trouble. He put dynamite on top of one of Boogs' gifts under the Christmas tree. Purple Minion was holding a lighter right next to the fuse. Cutesy was sitting in blast shelter to protect himself. Boogs was able to get to the dynamite before it exploded. It turns out the dynamite tube held microwaveable Porky Poppers pork rinds not TNT. Boogs microwaved the contents of the tube and he said the puffed up pork rinds tasted pretty good.
When Boogs pulled him down from his hiding spot, he saw that Cutesy had Elf mints for him. The movie Elf is Cutesy's favorite movie.
It is hard to believe there are only four more sleeps until Christmas day. Wow, this month has flown by so fast! You can see all of Cutesy's adventures on his Cutesy the Elf Pinterest board.
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