Today, out of the blue, Boogs said, "I really want to do some crafts today. What would you suggest? I will do anything you can think of." Hmmm... maybe being back in school made him want to work on something with me during the reduced time we have to spend together. I tried to think of something he would enjoy and came up with Battle Card Face Masks. Boogs and several of his school friends began making Battle Cards in kindergarten. They are hand drawn cards of creatures with special powers. He has been talking about them all week. So, I pulled out a bunch of paint, a couple of cardstock masks and we began painting.
I don't fully understand the rules to Battle Cards. Boogs asked me what power my Battle Mask had. I told him it had sun power. He said, "It can not have sun power because you did not put any yellow on it. The green part looks like a reptile so it can't be anything with hot because reptiles are cold-blooded." Boogs mask has lots of powers because he put in blue (water), brown (earth), orange (wind), and red (hot lava). Apparently, my mask lost the battle before the battle even began.
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