
Friday, November 8, 2013

Fable Fest

Boogs has enjoyed going to Fable Fest for several years. Our local library puts on this Renaissance-type festival with dances, acts on the stage, carnival booth games, lots of food, and fun.
Boogs went to almost every booth and all of the inflatables. He said his favorite part was the cotton candy. I enjoyed watching the horses.
Sadly, I think this may be our last year. Boogs is just about too old to enjoy the carnival booth games. They are geared towards younger children. I am glad we went this year.

This post is linked to:
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. That looks like a great day out. A shame he's outgrowing it now, but as you say, you got one more year in :)

    1. I am so sad to see him growing up, but I am also so proud of the sweet young man he is turning out to be.

  2. Looks like a really fun event, I used to take part in medieval reenactment :-)

    1. The Fable Fest has grown larger each year. It used to be held in an empty lot across from the library. This year they had to move it to a large park.

  3. It's a shame when they start to out grow things - my oldest is seven and I can see that there are already activities that he just doesn't enjoy as much now. I'm glad you went this year and enjoyed it! #CountryKids

  4. What a shame it age restrictive as it looks like Boogs had a fab time and enjoyed his candyfloss which looked as big as him! Thanks for linking up and sharing your sunny fun with Country Kids.

  5. It is not really age-restrictive, but he is getting a bit old to be excited by things like plastic toy whistle prizes and simplistic carnival games.

  6. What a wonderful event for your local library to put on. Great that Boogs still had this year to enjoy it before he gets older

    1. He did enjoy it this year but not as much as the last time we went.

  7. What a great event. Hope there is another annual event to take its place in your family year. #CountryKids

    1. I will have to be on the lookout for more "mature" things for next year.

  8. Oh that does look like fun! We are yet to go to a medieval reenactment after seeing a round heads and cavalier one this year it is something I would like to take my kids too.Popping over from Country Kids.

    1. That sounds like fun! You will have to go and then post pics on Country Kids linky.

  9. I love these medieval horse games. So impressive what skills the riders and horses have.

    1. That horse was HUGE! He was also very interested in my son's cotton candy.

  10. I think my 3 yo would love it there! Such a shame when little traditions come to an end - there'll be many more to look forward to though, I'm sure.
