
Friday, November 8, 2013


Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. We like to pack our lunches in ELBs and Laptop Lunchboxes. 

I am sort of out of my blogging groove. I just realized I did not post a couple of Boogs' Halloween lunches. So, I will include them this week.

National Geographic Kids Special Halloween Issue
Grandmaman sent Boogs a subscription to National Geographic Kids. He is really enjoying this fun little magazine. Boogs reads it cover to cover each time one arrives. He loves sharing facts about the many animals featured each month. Thanks Grandmaman for such a neat gift! In the Laptop Lunchbox: pb&j skeleton and cat sandwich, Babybel moon, cheese bats & house, chips, pineapple, and salad.

Bats Around the Clock by Kathi Appeit
This is a fun book for parents (old ones like me) to read with your kiddos. It tells the story of Click Dark and his American Batstand 12 hour dance-a-thon. I remember watching American Bandstand on Saturday mornings when I was growing up. Boogs and I had to look up the types of dances the bats were doing. Boogs enjoyed watching Youtube videos of the various dances - Jitterbug, the Bop, Jive, Locomotion, The Twist, Hip Hop, The Bugaloo, Pony,  and the Hokey Pokey. I used the CuteZcute Animal Pals Sandwich and Egg Press to make the bats in this lunch. In the ELB Lunchbox: almond butter & jelly bat sandwiches, bat egg, fruit snacks with bat pick, salad, and fruit cup with Click Dark drawn on top.

Poppleton In Fall by Cynthia Rylant
Boogs enjoys reading Poppleton books. Poppleton was outside in his yard when he saw four geese flying by. He invited the geese in for cookies. Each time he saw geese overhead, Poppleton invited them in for cookies. As more and more geese migrated South, Poppleton sound himself baking cookies non-stop for them. It wore him out and he had to go rest at his friend's house. In the Laptop Lunchbox: orange pumpkins, ham & cheese Poppleton made with the CuteZcute Animal Friends Cutter, Nutella goose sandwich, oyster crackers for cookies, salad, and cottage cheese.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas
Three sweet, timid wolves leave their mother's home to head out into the world. Unfortunately, the Big Bad Pig keeps trying to get them. The wolves make sturdy houses of brick, steel, and concrete. The Big Bad Pig uses dynamite and jack hammers to destroy their homes. Luckily, the little wolves are able to escape each time. Boogs said that it looked like the wolves' houses were becoming prisons to lock them in. In the end, the wolves find a clever and gentle solution to their pig problem. In the ELB lunchbox: turkey & cheese wolf sandwich, Big Bad Pig drawn on marshmallow, HUFF PUFF spelled with cheese crackers, carrots with hummus, and flower berries.

Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones by Judy Schachner
Boogs brings home every Skippyjon book he can find at his school library. Boogs thinks it is hilarious that this Siamese cat thinks he is a chihuahua. In this book, Skippyjon steals all of the mean neighbor dog's bones so he can pretend they are dinosaur bones. He heads into his closet to imagine an adventure in which he is El Skippito, the sword-fighting chihuahua. Boogs laughs every time we read about Skippyjon. In the Laptop Lunchbox: salami & cheese dinosaur sandwiches, carrots, veggie chips, crackers, mango, and Skippyjon drawn on a marshmallow.

Snacky lunch
I woke up late and uninspired the morning I made this lunch. Boogs looked at it and said, "Hmmm... it looks like a good tasting lunch even though it does not have a theme. But, you have two things in there that make trash." He did thank me for including the Nutella for his graham cracker. In the ELB lunchbox: salami, pistachios, graham crackers with Nutella, Babybel cheese, berries, and celery with cream cheese.

Last week, we had Boogs' parent/teacher conference for the first nine weeks of school. His teacher is impressed with Boogs' vocabulary and his HUGE amount of background knowledge on so many topics. I know that all of the books that Boogs and I read together are making a difference in his learning. He makes so many connections with the stories we read. They are a jumping off point for exploring vocabulary, various themes, exotic locations, and so many other things. I love how much Boogs still wants to read with me every day.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. These look great! We love this version of the three pigs.

    1. It is such a fun book. I used to read it with my third grade classes during out fairy tale unit.

  2. Fabulous lunches, as usual! I love your marshmallow drawings. Kudos to Boogs and to you on his rich vocabulary and range of knowledge. I bet your lunches really reinforce the learning he does during story time. And what a perceptive point he made about the houses in The Three Little Wolves.

  3. Adorable as always! I love your book lunches :D

  4. This is such a creative and fun idea. Kudos to you for keeping reading and lunchtime exciting!

  5. What a fun version of three little pigs! I always love taking a peak at the great books you pick and clever lunches you make!

    Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =)

  6. I always love to see what you are reading and your amazing lunches! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday

    1. Carrie - thanks for always stopping by and leaving sweet comments.
