
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lunches Sept. 9th - 12th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. We like to pack our lunches in ELBs and Laptop Lunchboxes.

Skylanders Giants Master Eon's Official Guide Book
Boogs saw the Wii Skylander game at a friend's house last year. He has talked about it ever since then. He even picked this guide for his "back-to-school new book" tradition. Two weeks ago, my husband let Boogs spend his own money to buy the Skylander game. Now, that boy is obsessed! We are really having to enforce our time limits for technology. I made Boogs a Jet Vac lunch. Jet Vac's personality file states that he is self-sacrificing, noble, compassionate, and daring. Unfortunately, Boogs' favorite character is called Trigger Happy. During the game, you have to collect jewels, health, points, and other things. I tried to put these things into Boogs' lunch. Over a year ago, Karen from showed me how to easily get a character outline on bread. You can see her picture tutorial HERE.

In the ELB Lunchbox: almond butter & jelly Jet Vac sandwich (drawn with food coloring), JET VAC letters in swiss cheese on top of dried apricots, pistachios for health, blueberries for points, salad with carrot circles and radish diamonds for jewels. 

This lunch is linked to Lunchbox Dad's Throwback Thursday Link-up.

Awesome Dawson by Chris Gall
Boogs said this book really was awesome. We read it several times during the week we had it checked out from the library. Dawson was born to be an inventor. He collected things people had thrown away and used them to create new inventions. Boogs thought the idea of this book (recycle/reuse) reminded him of The Dumpster Diver by Janet S. Wong. He said, "This book is like the dumpster book we read but this one is way more awesome. Dawson turns his stuff into neat inventions where the dumpster diver just turned it into normal stuff like an old tv into an aquarium or art. I like how Dawson made moving robots." I get so excited when Boogs makes connections between the books we have read.

In the Laptop Lunchbox: Babybel Dawson, ham pliers, tomato bit of metal, boiled egg car for the car Dawson invented for his parents, Chex Mix nuts & bolts, apple slices, and broccoli.

Cream of Creature from the School Cafeteria by Mike Thaler
Mike Thaler wrote the Black Lagoon series of books. Boogs loves that series because they are slightly creepy. Cream of Creature was also slightly creepy. The nasty green glop in the school cafeteria develops a life of its own and starts consuming everything in its path. The cook, principal, police, and army can not stop it. The creature begins to eat the school until one brave and hungry kid stands up to it. Boogs really enjoyed reading this book to me.

In the ELB lunchbox: spinach torellini with pesto & sausage creature, green pluot glop, carrots with hummus, and lumpy cottage cheese.

Pig Pig Goes to Camp by David M. McPhail
Pig Pig heads off to camp for the first time and loves it. The only problem is that he makes too many friends. Pig Pig befriends all of the wild frogs at camp. The frogs begin to follow him around everywhere, even to the dining hall. The head of the camp decides it would be best if Pig Pig and his new friends would leave the camp. Boogs laughed at the picture of Pig Pig arriving home on a bus full of frogs. 

In the ELB lunchbox: garlic baloney & cheese Pig Pig made with the CuteZcute cutter, frog drawn on marshmallow on top of pistachios, camp fire log puffs, plum fish in a blueberry lake, and a dragonfly pick flying across a salad.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by. This post is linked to Truly Lovely's Fancy This Fridays linky party.


  1. More books for me to look for for John! Hooray!!! I've gotten him a couple of the Black Lagoon books but so far he hasn't touched them. Maybe if I show him that Boogs likes this one he'll have more faith in my decision making ;)

    1. This one is not a Black Lagoon book, it is an older book by the same author. Boogs loves the Black Lagoon series. He has brought home two of them from his school library. John would probably get a kick out of Awesome Dawson.

  2. These are wonderful. I love the cream creature!

    1. Thanks, D! I love that the creature lunch took about 3 minutes to throw together with leftovers.

  3. Cute! I did Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week. I think I have more fun making the lunches than he does eating them.

  4. keep up the good work! and thanks for sharing at kids in the kitchen :)

  5. Another great round-up of books and lunches!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  6. Always inspired by your lunches, and always get ideas for new books to check out! I love your spinach tortellini "globs" - so clever! Thank you for linking to 15 Minute Fridays!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca. Boogs thought the globs were pretty funny.
