
Friday, August 31, 2012

Lunches August 23rd - 31st

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks.

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Boogs took this lunch to school for his first day of 1st grade. We love this sweet book about a raccoon who is nervous about going to school. The raccoon mother showed little Chester that he can carry her love with him wherever he goes. In the Laptop Lunchbox: Make your own pizza inspired by Momables. Heart-shaped flat bread, pizza sauce, shredded cheese, heart-shaped pepperonis, 1st grade written on a marshmallow, salad with cucumber & tomato hearts, and plums with a strawberry heart.
originally posted Monday

Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth by Alison McGhee
On the first day of 1st grade, a little girl learns that her teacher is a "300-year-old alien who steals baby teeth from her students". She knows this is true because a 2nd grader filled her in about Mrs. Watson.The little girl is so freaked out that she spends the entire day keeping her mouth closed to protect her teeth. Boogs laughed all the way through this book. There are so many unusual things going on in the illustrations. We had to carefully study each and every page to discover all of the hilarious happenings. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j sandwich ball girl covering her mouth with crust hands, Babybel tooth, collection of teeth pistachios, Chex Mix, berries, and salad.   

When Charlie McButton Lost Power by Suzanne Collins
Boogs picked this book out at the library because of the crazy illustration on the cover. I told Boogs the boy in this story reminds me a little bit of him. He did not agree. Charlie McButton practically looses his mind when a thunderstorm knocks out all of the power to his house. Charlie is addicted to electronic games. He even tries to steal his little sister's batteries to get a game fix. By the end of the story, Charlie realizes that he can survive and have fun without being plugged-in. Boogs and I kept pretty busy during the summer, but sometimes the 14 hour days seemed a tiny bit long. So, I gave in to letting Boogs plug-in more than I should have. Now that school is in session, we are back down to 30 minutes of screen time a day. In the Laptop Lunchbox: four ham & cheese mini sandwiches representing wii/Netflix/computer games/other electronics with a "no" symbol made of cheese, an orange sun for the joy of sunshine days, blueberries for Charlie's dark mood, yogurt, and a crazed cucumber Charlie with carrot hair and a screaming tomato mouth.

Click Magazine: Working On A Farm
Boogs loves getting mail. For Christmas, he received a year's subscription to Click Magazine. The September 2012 issue is all about farms. Boogs wanted to read the entire magazine as soon as we got home from the mailbox. He asked that his lunch include sheep, grass, and the word click. In the ELB lunchbox: Nutella & pb sheep sandwich, "CLICK" cut out of cheese, orange slices, animals picks with tomato/cucumber and  salami/cheese, and a salad under the pig and cow.

Nibble Nibble by Margaret Wise Brown
Boogs has been fascinated with rabbits since we pet sit my niece's rabbit during the summer. So, I have been checking out quite a few books and stories about rabbits. Nibble Nibble is a book of five poems about rabbits. The first poem began "Bunnies zip and bunnies zoom bunnies sometimes sleep till noon." Boogs had to disagree with that statement. He said he never once caught Skyler sleeping. Boogs enjoyed all of the poems and the beautiful illustrations. In the ELB lunchbox: boiled egg bunny with a dark fur patch around his eye like Skyler, cheese bunny head, sesame sticks rabbit food, carrots with ranch dressing, green apple with "carrot", and Zbar.
 Here are a couple of pictures of Boogs with Skyler.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. I love these. Charlie McButton made such a cute lunch!

    1. Thanks. I had a hard time trying to make a lunch for that book. I just could not visualize the story line into food.

  2. Gosh, I want all of these books and lunches too! Haha But I must find that Charlie McButton book...I totally agree with the limited screen times; and there are times my hubby thinks I a crazed American Hype it's really for him! Anyways you gave another pleasant post, I enjoyed them all!

  3. I love the lunches inspired by books idea!

  4. Love all the farm animals with the lamb sandwich! What a sweet lunch =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Looking forward to seeing you linked up again tomorrow =-)

  5. I love it! Thank you so much for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week to link up some more great ideas! Have a great rest of the week!

  6. Love your lunches! I especially love your bunny and sheep! Thanks for sharing at The Sunday Showcase!

  7. Such great lunches and books!! Love them all! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  8. Beautiful DIY Pizza Lunch, Keitha! And just love "The Kissing Hand". Thanks for sharing it! :)

  9. Love the apple 'carrot'. Gorgeous lunches :-)
