
Friday, August 31, 2012

Kids Crafts - Moving Hand & Mask

You may have noticed that Boogs and I have not been doing very many crafts lately. He has "not been in the mood" to do anything that involved paint, crayons, glue, scissors, etc. Last week, we had some friends over and I had set up the supplies for a really cool craft - making a hand with bendable fingers. Before we began this craft, we talked a little bit about how muscles tug on your tendons to make your fingers contract. Our two friends were really excited about making it. Boogs told me I could trace his hand but he did not want to do anything else with it. He did watch and make comments while we worked on it. Once the hand was complete, Boogs was all over it. I found directions for making this craft here on De Tout Et De Rien. It is so much fun to pull the strings and watch the fingers curl. It looks just a touch creepy.

Today, out of the blue, Boogs said, "I really want to do some crafts today. What would you suggest? I will do anything you can think of." Hmmm... maybe being back in school made him want to work on something with me during the reduced time we have to spend together. I tried to think of something he would enjoy and came up with Battle Card Face Masks. Boogs and several of his school friends began making Battle Cards in kindergarten. They are hand drawn cards of creatures with special powers. He has been talking about them all week. So, I pulled out a bunch of paint, a couple of cardstock masks and we began painting.

I don't fully understand the rules to Battle Cards. Boogs asked me what power my Battle Mask had. I told him it had sun power. He said, "It can not have sun power because you did not put any yellow on it. The green part looks like a reptile so it can't be anything with hot because reptiles are cold-blooded." Boogs mask has lots of powers because he put in blue (water), brown (earth), orange (wind), and red (hot lava). Apparently, my mask lost the battle before the battle even began.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! 


  1. Replies
    1. I thought so. Thank goodness for Google Translator.

  2. I love both of those projects! Looks like we have some new activities to try. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you found some new projects to do.

  3. I think my 13 year old son would totally dig making that hand thing...he tends to be less crafty than my 9 year old daughter...I want to make one though so I'm going to show him to see if he's interested. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Be sure to take the link to De Tout Et De Rien for detailed instructions. There is a Google Translator on her site to view the post in English.

  4. What fun crafts!! The hand is really neat and I love your masks!! Special powers and reasons sound interesting. I don't think I would be able to figure them out either. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. I love listening to him explain it all. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Great projects! I love how you used your son's interests to create the masks.

    Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  6. The hand project will go well with my science units. I linked your site to mine with this project. Thanks for posting!

    1. Glad you found it useful. Be sure to use Google Translator to see the detailed instructions at
