
Friday, April 20, 2012

Lunches April 16th - 20th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read two books to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. You can find the other two  lunches for this week here. They were part of the Bento Bloggers & Friends Earth Day blog hop. Here are the rest of the lunches from this week: 

I Love You As Much... by Laura Krauss Melmed
This is one of Boogs' old favorite board books. He was not feeling well on Sunday, his allergies were making him feel nauseated. Boogs wanted a snuggly book for bedtime. This little book has eight different animals telling their young how much they love them. The last page has a human mother cuddling her sleeping infant with the text, "Now sleep, child of mine, while the stars shine above - I love you as much as a mother can love." In the lunchbox: ham & Babybel cheese sleeping infant, pasta salad, grapes, spinach & carrots, Pirate's Booty.

If Not For The Cat by Jack Prelutsky
We own several Jack Prelutsky poetry books.  Boogs picked this one out at the library. It is a book of haikus. Each haiku is paired with an illustration of an animal. The names of the animals are listed at the back of the book. I held the book so that Boogs could not see the pictures until after he guessed what the animal was. We discussed the author's choice of words. I had to explain many of the words to Boogs which is great for building his vocabulary. Boogs' favorite haiku was "Boneless, translucent, We undulate, undulate, Gelatinously." It was describing a jellyfish. Boogs and I released our Painted Lady butterflies from our butterfly garden this week, so I was drawn to the butterfly haiku. "Wingless we went in, But we emerged as fliers - And oh, such colors!" In the lunchbox: almond butter & jelly butterfly sandwich, eagle's nest & eggs tomatoes, cereal bar jellyfish, sloth's dinner spinach, berry flowers for hummingbirds, and yogurt.

Clara and Asha by Eric Rohmann
Each night, Clara is visited by her imaginary friends.  This books tells the story of her friendship with an enormous imaginary fish. The oil painting pictures are gorgeous! Boogs studied the pictures in this book several times throughout the week. In the lunchbox: pb&j Clara with nori features, Asha boiled egg, Goldfish crackers, kiwi, and salad.

Check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post. Be sure to leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. JDaniel loves to be read books when his allergies act up too.

    I need to look for Asha's book.

    Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

    1. The pictures of Asha are amazing. Boogs used his geoboard and made Asha out of rubberbands the next morning. He really enjoyed that book.

    2. Sounds interesting!! I used geoboards as a teacher but hadn't thought to get one for my kids... hmm- I bet they would like that, thanks for the inspiration!

    3. I posted our learning play date about making homemade geoboards on April 19th. The kids had a lot of fun hammering in the nails.

  2. thanks so much for linking this lovely post to Kids Co-op, I love that you link lunches to a book. I'm discovering loads of new books this way.

    1. Thank you! If you are looking for more great book ideas, you have to check out the weekly Read Explore Learn linky at

  3. Replies
    1. It was really neat for Boogs to try and figure out the animal while also trying to comprehend the vocabulary in the haiku book. Thanks for leaving a comment, G.

  4. I've loved the lunch activities that you've done with books. so creative!! Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday.

  5. So creative & fun - as always! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow =-)
