
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Sandwich For The Bloggess

Boogs did not get to have a learning playdate today. Instead, I went to a book signing event for Jenny Lawson, a.k.a. The Bloggess, for her book Let's Pretend This Never Happened. Boogs got to stay home and have some extra Daddy-time. I have been following The Bloggess for quite a while now and I think she is hilarious. Her blog is not for everyone, at times some of her language and stories are a bit too much for me. That is most likely because I grew up in a Southern Baptist home where "gosh" was considered cursing. Reading her story about Beyonce, the giant metal chicken, kept me laughing for days. I love that Jenny Lawson has such a strong voice for what she believes in and is not afraid to say anything.

I decided to make a sandwich to match the cover of Jenny's book and take it to the book signing. So, I made a likeness of the taxidermied mouse, Hamlet Von Schnitzel. I put a note on the container that said, "Hamlet Von Schnitzel's likeness is made out of white-wheat bread stuffed with almond butter & jelly, a marshmallow neck ruffle, peppercorn eyes, candy star skull, and a fruit leather cape. Each day, I make my son's lunch based on the bedtime stories that we read. Hamlet Von Schnitzel is the first non-children's book sandwich that I have made. I hope you enjoy it. P.S. I have OCD about handwashing so this sandwich was made with clean hands." Then I told her she really should not eat food from strangers. She laughed and told me the sandwich was awesome. Her "people" took a couple of pictures of it.

This is NOT a children's book.

After these pictures, the handler/wrangler (I don't know what to call the store employee who keeps the line moving) started to put the cover back on the container. Jenny asked her to leave it off so that everyone who came up to the table could see it. What fun!

UPDATE: The Bloggess tweeted about my Hamlet Von Schnitzel sandwich!!! She also wrote about it on her website and said, "It tasted adorable. And suspicious."

To see other book inspired lunches I have made, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post.


  1. so cool Keitha!!
    the sandwich is FABULOUS and it's so great you got to "gift it" to her for everyone to see. :)
    great pics!!

  2. Thanks, Keeley! I did feel a little silly carrying around a plastic sandwich container for half of the evening. Jenny Lawson's reaction to it was fun.

  3. That is SO COOL! I must have gotten my book signed before you (I was in section B), because I did not get to see this in person. Super neat!

  4. Excellent. I never progressed to sandwiches, though I did draw scenes from my son's books on his cheese. And I never did anything near as nice as Von Schnitzel.

    1. Funny, I have trouble writing on cheese, my food writers always seem to get gunked up.

  5. Congrats Keitha!!! You're a superstar. Just like that sandwich :)

  6. I'd love for you to make me some awesome sandwiches. They must make your son's day.

    1. My son does like his story themed lunches. He has asked me not to make him "regular" ones. :-)

  7. What fun! I am so glad you got to share this with her. I bet she is super nice in person!

  8. He's adorable, and you are massively talented!

  9. Ok, you rock. Officially. I bet that was a total first for the Bloggess. Totally adorable!

    1. Thanks! I had fun presenting the sandwich to the Bloggess.
