
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Cutesy The Elf Is Back!

We love Cutesy the Elf! About a week before Thanksgiving, Boogs started reminding me of all the nonsense and mischief Cutesy gets up to each year at our house. He repeatedly told me that Cutesy always comes on December 1st. I think he still really enjoys the elf's visit. I am a little sad that this is the year Boogs decided not to go see Santa at the mall. Sigh, he is growing up.

This will be the sixth Christmas Cutesy has visited us. Here is a picture of the letter he came with when he first arrived. Unlike the Elf on the Shelf, Cutesy is fun to play with, can be touched, and only tells Santa about his visit on Christmas Eve when Santa stops by the house. Boogs is happy that Cutesy is not a spy and does not lose his magic when he is touched.
Here is a picture of the first day Boogs met Cutesy. Boogs was so little then.
Cutesy came back this year on December 1st. He wrote a message with mint flavored M&Ms, had a letter, and made sure there was a joke tucked into his pocket. Cutesy brings jokes every day during his stay with us. This year, I think he found his jokes HERE and HERE.
Cutesy's letter said, "I am so excited to be back with you again. Elfy tried to take my place but I beat him at a game of Ice Crystal-Sun-Cloud. Ho Ho Ho Christmas is coming. Love, Cutesy"
Boogs decided that the game Cutesy won was a different version of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Sun beats Ice Crystal, Ice Crystal beats Cloud, and Cloud can cover the sun. Boogs was thrilled to see Cutesy back. Boogs had a little trouble remembering Elfy. Maybe Elfy will sneak by for a quick visit soon. Elfy was very mischievous. One year, Elfy came to be mentored by Cutesy. Elfy ended up opening and playing with one of Boogs' Christmas presents. Boogs was not happy with him at all!

On December 2nd, Cutesy brought back the tree he delivers to Boogs' playroom each year. Cutesy also brought a few new candy cane ornaments for Boogs to add to the tree. Of course Cutesy had a joke with him.
Day three with Cutesy brought a little nonsense to the house. Cutesy made this gingerbread house for Boogs.
 Boogs thought it was great. He laughed about it.
Then he had to get down and take a closer look. Boogs thought it was pretty clever. Cutesy delivers a gingerbread house for Boogs to decorate each year he visits.
 There was another message on the back of the note. It said, "Search high, search low, to the snowman gathering you must go." Boogs immediately knew he had to go to the snowman village to see if anything was there.
 Cutesy had put a gingerbread house and our Gingerbread Baby book under the coffee table.
It took a little bit of maneuvering to get it out of there. I was afraid we were going to have to lift up the entire table.
Boogs is very happy to have Cutesy in the house. He is super excited to wake up each morning and see Cutesy's latest antics. Do you have an elf visiting your house? Leave a comment with your link. I would love to see what Cutesy's elf cousins are doing at other people's houses. To see pictures of Cutesy's previous visits you can click HERE to go to his pinterest board.

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