
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summer Is Coming To An End

We have been home from our big road trip for about two weeks. Boogs and I have packed a lot of fun and a lot of relaxing time into our last two weeks together of summer.
Boogs has spent the last two weeks at diving camp. He LOVES diving camp! This is his 4th year to attend this camp. He says that an hour a day is not nearly long enough. His low diving board dive has really improved this year.
 Boogs has loads of fun playing around on the high dive.
Sometimes he does a little dance, sometimes he takes a crazy leap off the board...
and sometimes he goes in pencil straight with his feet first.
Boogs tried something new this year - a real head-first dive off the 12 ft. high diving board. My heart beat a bit faster every time he did this. This boy is a fish and has no fear of water or the high dive.
A couple of days after diving camp started, Boogs got to play with Z & E at the park. The park added several new pieces of play equipment this year. The kids liked this unusual swing on a zipline.
During the past two weeks, we have kept ourselves busy hanging out with the J-Boys while their mom was at work, playing with the kids in the neighborhood, swimming at the neighborhood pool several times, meeting friends for lunch, cooking, going to dentist appointments, setting up my new classroom, fishing, spending an afternoon at the Apple store to replace my broken phone (which caused me to lose all of the pictures on my phone), reading new books, doing a little writing and morning work, and chilling out in front of the TV.
Last weekend, Boogs and Daddy watched a Gordon Ramsey video on how to make a perfect cast iron skillet steak. Then Daddy set Boogs lose in the kitchen to prepare our dinner. Yum! Boogs made steak, shrimp, microwave baked potatoes, and salad. He is becoming very good at making what he and Daddy call "man food".
This weekend, Boogs and Daddy had a no-girls-allowed outing with a friend to go dirt bike riding. I had Boogs pose for a picture just before they left so that I would have a clear memory of what he looked like before his biking accident. You know, I was being extra supportive and all. You can see by Boogs' expression that he knew I was giving him a hard time.
 Daddy's friend gave Boogs very good directions on how to control the dirt bike.
According to Daddy, Boogs loved it and was a natural at riding the dirt bike. Boogs told me he was singing I Will Survive while he was riding.

I have to go back to work on Monday (8/17) so Boogs is going to spend the week at my mom's house. Then he will have one more free weekend before he goes to school as a great big 4th grader. Neither one of us is ready for that.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. It sounds like he has had an amazing summer. That fish catch is super, my hubbie would be jealous x

    1. We have certainly had a lot of adventures together this summer. I am sad to see it come to an end.

  2. What a great 2 weeks you and Boogs have had! It's amazing how much you managed to pack into them. I'm super impressed at Boogs for attempting the high dive head first, I don't think I could do that! That zipwire swing looks fab too, I bet there was a lot of time spent on there. A great experience for Boogs on his boys day with dad, my boys would love to have a go on a dirt bike course. Thanks for linking up with me on Coutnry Kids.

    1. We are keeping busy. The only local dirt bike racing school in our area is shutting down. My husband is going to the bike auction next week to see about buying a small dirt bike for Boogs. That scares me a little bit.

  3. Wow, I envy him the confident to jump off those boards! #CountryKids

    1. No joke. It terrifies be to even think about trying to dive in head first.

  4. You have had an amazing summer! My eldest is on the swim team, but he definitely needs to work on his diving :) Can't believe the boys go back to school next week! #countrykids

    1. The only problem with diving off a board is that it is a different skill than what you need for diving off a block for swim team. In swim team, you want to dive out to get as far into the pool as possible. In diving you want to dive straight down and make as little splash as possible. Sometimes Boogs has trouble keeping those to skill separate when he is swimming/diving. It is too soon for school.
