
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday also happened to be Boogs' 9th birthday. We had a very low-key day as Boogs was still recovering from being ill the previous week. Every year on Boogs' birthday I "balloon" his door/room. Sometimes I cover his floor with balloons and sometimes I find ways to make balloons fall into his room when he opens his door. This year, I hung tie-dye balloons on his door and made several balloon animals to go with them. This was the first time I have tried to make balloon animals.
Boogs thought the red dog was the most recognizable balloon animal. He thought they were fun but was not too sure about the poodle or the crocodile.
 I even made him a swimming sea turtle hat... er... I mean belt. He was not impressed.
Look at that smile. Boogs loves singing birthday cards. This card had a dog barking and a cat meowing the birthday song.
The only thing Boogs wanted for his birthday was a Webkins Black-Footed Ferret stuffed animal. He is such a sweet boy. I love this picture of him hugging his Daddy and saying thank you.
While we were fixing breakfast, Boogs went to feed his hamster. She was no longer alive. He has had Winter since his 7th birthday. We had a very, very sad morning.
After breakfast, we had a funeral for Winter. Boogs said a few words over her grave.
We went to my Mom's house for Easter lunch. We had a little cake to celebrate Boogs' birthday.
All of Boogs' cousins were out of town, so Boogs was on his own for the egg hunt. It was raining outside so we had to have the hunt inside.
We usually do not put candy in the Easter eggs, we just put coins. My Mom put money in 12 shiny eggs and then hid 95 empty eggs as well. There are usually 5 to 9 grandchildren hunting eggs. She wanted Boogs to have lots of eggs to hunt but did not want to open a lot of eggs and fill them. Boogs had fun looking for the eggs but it was kind of sad that he had the hunt all to himself. It is times like this when I wish he was not an only child.
We spent part of our afternoon like this. That is the positive side of the cousins being out of town. We would have welcomed the chaos.
Thanks Mom for having us over and making it a fun day for Boogs!

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