
Thursday, September 25, 2014

BFF Shel Silverstein Blog Hop

Shel Silverstein's birthday is today. Bento Bloggers & Friends decided we should celebrate this day by having a bento lunch blog hop inspired by the wonderful, funny, creative, and heartwarming work of Shel Silverstein.

I asked Boogs to look through the Shel Silverstein books in his room and pick out a few to read to me. The first book he chose was A Giraffe and a Half. Boogs loved the silly rhymes and outrageous things that kept being piled on top of the giraffe. Eventually, the giraffe is able to get rid of the whale with a tail, a snake eating cake, a rat in a hat, and so many other things.

In the Laptop Lunchbox: pb&j giraffe sandwich, salami & cheese hat with a rat under it, fruit leather snake with yogurt pretzel cake, strawberry rose for his nose, pumpernickel pretzel flute for him to toot, pistachios, and salad.

The next day, Boogs decided to read A Light In the Attic. He put bookmarks by all of the poems he wanted turned into lunches. So here are a couple of them:

Hot Dog lunch in an ELB lunchbox: cheese toast with provolone HOT DOG PET letters, hot dogs for pets, cutie oranges, and salad.

Boogs chose these foods to put in his lunchbox because they reminded him of The Giving Tree. In the ELB lunchbox: spinach leaves to make a crown, tomato apples for eating, pretzel trunk for climbing, okra chip branches for swinging, Pringles chip branches for making into a house, 1/2 cereal bar trunk for making a boat, yogurt, kiwi, and ham.

Boogs laughed at the Batty poem from A Light In The Attic. The baby bat screamed out in fright, "Turn on the dark, I'm afraid of the light." We made this lunch full of the bright light that scared Batty. In the ELB lunchbox: pineapple sunlight, carrot stick sun beams, Pirate's Booty moon glow, dried mango lights under BAT graham crackers, cheese & ham bat sandwiches, almonds, and cottage cheese.

The next lunch is one I made last year for Boogs. I just recopied the parts of the post that were about Shel Silverstein's poem Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out from Where The Sidewalk Ends.
I absolutely LOVED Shel Silverstein's poems when I was a kid. Boogs likes to hear them over and over again, too. My favorite poem in this book is Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out. You can clearly imagine how disgusting the trash at Sarah's house is by the desciptive words used in the poem.  Of course I had to make Boogs a garbage lunch to go with this poem!
In the ELB lunchbox: garlic green baloney, chunks of cheese, gristly bits of beefy roasts beef jerky, cold french fries, withered greens salad, crusts of black burned buttered toast croutons, and peach pit plum pieces.

Now that you have seen the Shel Silverstein lunches I have made, click on the Shel Silverstein Blog Hop button the see the lovely lunch made by Sarah for Zoe's Lunchbox.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. Great lunches I want a pet hot dog

    1. Ha, I bet that kind of pet would not last long.

  2. Love these, Keitha. Excellent lunches!

  3. Giraffe and a half was on the display table in front of the library at Birdie's school today and she has said she wants to borrow it tomorrow (her library day) - I hope it's still there! I'll have to try to make her a giraffe sandwich like yours!

    1. It is a really cute and zany book. Hope it is there for you.

  4. What a great collection! I love the giraffe.

    1. Thanks, Eileen. I thought that was the only one of these lunches that actually looked good.

  5. They look great! I want a pet hotdog too!

  6. Wow, that's amazing. I usually can't come up with just one lunch for the creative hops and you came up with so many!! I envy your creative mind. Love these lunches and I bet Boogs loved them too.

    1. It is the books. I need books, poems, and stories to come up with the ideas for me.

  7. You know, I have only read a couple Shel books to Gigi, so you have given me inspiration to get a bunch out of the library soon. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiring lunches yet again at the Kid Lit Blog Hop

  8. Lovely lunches, I especially like the giraffe sandwich!
    Thank you for linking up to #FunFoodFriday

  9. I love coming here to see all the creative ideas! Thanks for sharing on the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Happy Belated Birthday, Shel!
