
Friday, February 21, 2014

Lunches February 17th - 21st

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. We like to pack our lunches in ELBs and Laptop Lunchboxes. 

The Monster Who Did My Math by Danny Schnitzlein
The little boy in this story is practically allergic to Math. He procrastinates doing his homework until late Sunday night. He wishes his homework could just be done. A creepy Math monster shows up in his room and says he will do all of the homework if the boy will sign a contract for his service. Of course the boy signs and tells the monster he will pay later. Soon he is receiving A+ homework grades. The boy is thrilled. Then, the day came when the teacher asked him to work a problem on the board. The boy could not do it. He was embarrassed. He went home to yell at the Math monster. The monster showed him paragraph 7 of clause 93 in his contract, "If YOU don't learn anything, do not blame ME!" The boy orders the monster to leave but first he has to pay him. The boy learned the lesson, "If you don't pay up front, you'll pay later instead." Boogs liked this story. He told me he does not need to pay a monster to do his homework even though it might be nice sometimes.

In the ELB lunchbox: monster tail mini pb&j sandwich squares, cheese numbers, Babybel boy with monster hand pick grabbing him, pistachios, applesauce, carrots with hummus, and Zbar.

Once Upon a Banana by Jennifer Armstrong,  Illustrated by David Small
This is a mostly wordless picture book. The only words are written on the street signs on each page. A little monkey wrecks havoc when he steals a banana from the fruit stand. It sets a huge chain of events in motion. Boogs and I looked through the book at least four times when we first opened it. The little monkey causes crashes, smashes, a runaway carriage, a skateboarding judge, dogs to run wild, and many other events. This is a fun book for discussing cause and effect.

In the ELB lunchbox: banana, almond butter & jelly monkey sandwich, ham, pretzels, cheese, olives, broccoli, carrots, and radish.

Abe's Fish: A Boyhood Tale of Abraham Lincoln by Jen Bryant
Boogs and I read this story on President's Day. The author of this book used a couple of lines in an Abraham Lincoln biography as the base for this story. For the biography, Lincoln was asked what he remembered about the war of 1812, he replied: "Nothing but this. I had been fishing one day and caught a little fish which I was taking home. I met a soldier in the road, and, having been always told at home that we must be good to the soldiers, I gave him my fish." The author of this book used the fish story to tell a tale of how young Abe began to truly think about the word FREEDOM and what it should mean to everyone. After the story, there are several pages of biographical information about Abraham Lincoln's family and growing up years.

In the ELB lunchbox: young Abe drawn on ham & cheese sandwich, boiled egg fish, Babybel crescent moon, grapes, mango, broccoli and radish.

Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough
Boogs brought this book home from his school library to read to me. A young pup, Sid, on his way to school is feeling so happy that his paws lifted right off the ground. Sid flew like a "doggy-shaped balloon".  No one at school believed he had flown. His classmates challenged him to fly again, but Sid couldn't. His happiness was gone. He was very sad when he returned home. Sid's Dad had a talk with him and showed him the family secret. Sid learned that some dog do fly.

In the Laptop lunchbox: pb&j sandwich with Sid on the ground, Sid bread cutout flying next to the Babybel sun, carrots with hummus, grapes, strawberries, and yogurt.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. Ok, this is so creative! I love making bento lunches but never thought to coordinate them with books we read. I'm not sure I'm that creative but maybe I'll give it a try. :)

    1. Thanks, Tiffany. You don't have to be very creative, you can buy a big pack of cookie cutters and have just the sandwich match an animal in a story. It is loads of fun!

  2. So many great sounding books! The Monster Who Did My Math sounds like a book that will make kids think twice about homework (just like The Homework Machine for MG readers). :) The books and lunches idea is so cool and what a great way to make reading even more fun.

  3. I started trying to do this fun story lunch pairing as well but mine aren't quite as artistic

    1. We just have fun with it. For my son and I, these lunches were about making a connection to literature and having a fun lunch to eat. I didn't stress about what it looked like for anyone but my son.
