
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bento Bloggers & Friends Valentine Bento Hop 2014

Bento Bloggers and Friends are joining together for two special Valentine blog hops today. I am part of the first hop which begins at 3 a.m. PST. The second hop begins at 7:30 a.m. PST. I can't wait to see the Valentine lunches from all 24 blogs participating in the hops. My son's lunches are inspired by the books we read together.

Dear Bunny: A Bunny Love Story by Michaela Morgan
Valentino and Valenteeny were two rabbits who lived across the field from each other. Valentino wrote a letter and left it in the hollow log, hoping Valenteeny would find it. Valenteeny also wrote a letter and left it in the hollow log. Unfortunately, a small family of mice took shelter from the rain in the hollow log and used the letters for their bedding. When each rabbit checked the log for a response to their letters, they were sad to find none. The mice realized their mistake. They searched through the bedding and found sweet words and phrases to put on a big heart for the rabbits to find. The rabbits found the new note and were happy.

Breakfast for lunch in the ELB lunchbox: boiled egg (split in half) Valentino & Valenteeny, cinnamon raisin heart bagel, pb&j mice mini-sandwiches, cottage cheese with sprinkles, and heart shaped strawberries.

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli
Mr. Hatch led a very orderly, repetitive, solitary life. His life changed suddenly when the postman delivered a giant box of chocolates with a note to his door. The note said, "Somebody Loves You!" That made Mr. Hatch feel so wonderful, he began to break out of his routine. He started smiling, talking with, and helping out his neighbors and co-workers. His life became full and joyful. Then the postman returned and let Mr. Hatch know the delivery had been a mistake. Mr. Hatch felt so unloved he reverted back to his orderly, repetitive, solitary life. His new friends and people in the community really enjoyed Mr. Hatch so they surprised him with an overflowing mailbox of cards, hearts, and candy to show their love. Boogs and I discussed the message of this story. Boogs decided the message was "to make a friend, you have to be a friend".

In the ELB lunchbox: ham & cheese sandwich with Mr. Hatch drawn on the cheese, mini marshmallow hearts, pretzels, orange slices, and salad with hearts made of carrots, radish, tomato, and peppers.

Now that you have seen my Valentine themed lunches, you should click the button below to hop over to Summer Mum's blog to view her Valentine lunch.


Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. Great lunches! Love the details.

  2. Love these! I wish my kids were younger so I could read them all those books, too. Now they'd probably form a coup and oust me from power if I did!

    1. Erin, you made me laugh! I am trying to enjoy as much cuddle-up-and-read time as I can before Boogs gets too big or too cool or too whatever to want to read with me.

  3. Great lunches! I especially love breakfast for lunch.

  4. I love how your themes match a story, Very sweet,

  5. These are super cute. I just love the Mr. Hatch book.

  6. I like how the inspirations are from the books! lovely!

  7. I always love what you do with bringing books to life through lunch. These are no exception!

  8. I love the cottage cheese and sprinkles it looks just like fluffy bedding made of love letters

    1. Oooo... what a good idea. I may have to go and add that into the lunch's description!

  9. It's great how you can get the bento inspiration from the book. Surely you won't run out of ideas :) Awesome!

    1. Thanks, Ariani! I love to use books for inspiration.
