
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lunches January 13th - 17th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. We like to pack our lunches in ELBs and Laptop Lunchboxes.

Something Under the Bed Is Drooling by Bill Watterson
In the ELB lunchbox: Calvin drawn on cheese on top of almond butter & jelly sandwich, graham cracker transmogrifier, Calvin transmogrified into a small candy tiger, broccoli, salad dressing power button, and strawberries.

Last Friday, Boogs began reading this Calvin & Hobbes comic collection. He loved it! When I got up Saturday morning, Boogs had been reading it for about an hour. He had bookmarked a few pages where Calvin builds a Transmogrifier.

Boogs asked if I had a large box that he could use to make his own transmorgrifier. We did not have a big enough cardboard box so I gave Boogs a large Rubbermaid container to use. Boogs decided that his transmogrifier would be called a Switch-Which-Which-inator! He spent quite a long time planning and making his Switch-Which-Which-inator. I provided a big bag of crafting/recycled supplies and hot glue gun skills to the project, Boogs did the rest on his own. I love watching Boogs create things.

I bought this knock-off Calvin shirt in Austria many years ago. Boogs uses it as a sleep shirt. When he asked to start making his own transmogrifier, he ran into his room and put this shirt on so that he would really be ready to create like Calvin.
Boogs showed me how he can fit inside. He told me I am supposed to point a fan at the red yarn when he is inside the Switch-Which-Which-inator so it will look like it is really working. The green button is the power button. The black grid of circles is the 6-digit password protected access panel. The little white box on top is an emergency repair kit. Boogs is still in the process of filling out the 5 circle menus of things this machine can turn him into. The pink circle with green grass is "a steam ventilator so it does not get too steamy inside the machine while the transformation is taking place".

Silly Goose's Big Story by Keiko Kasza
Silly Goose always wants to be the hero of the games/stories he plays with his friends. His friends began to feel resentful of Goose always being the star. Eventually, Goose needed his friends to be heroes to save him in a real life situation. He learned that he does not always have to be the hero especially when he has such heroic friends.

In the Laptop Lunchbox: Silly Goose pb&j sandwich with crust crown and fruit leather robe, cheese stick, raisins, Zbar, pineapple, and salad.

Hooray for Reading lunch
I am so happy that Boogs has started to enjoy reading independently. I threw this lunch together and put in a couple of reading picks to celebrate his new found interest in reading own his own. 
In the ELB lunchbox: ham spirals, cheese bites, Ritz crackers, fruit snacks, salad with heart shaped radishes, and mango.

The Popcorn Book by Tomie de Paola
Boogs loves to eat popcorn. He asked if he could have some popcorn in his lunch this week. I had just the book to read before we made another bowl of popcorn. This book explains the history of this tasty snack. Here are a few of the fun facts we learned about popcorn: Popcorn was discovered by the Indian people in the Americas many thousands of years ago. Popcorn was found by archeologists in a bat cave in New Mexico that was thought to be over 5,600 year old. The Iroquois ate popcorn soup. An Indian legend says that popcorn pops when a little demon living inside the kernel gets so mad when his house is heated up that he blows up the kernel. 
Boogs enjoyed this book. We love to make popcorn on the stove, in the microwave, and even by using Jiffy Pop over a campfire. 

In the ELB lunchbox: popcorn, bat boiled egg for the bat cave where popcorn was found (I really messed up the food coloring on the bat, OOPS!),  cottage cheese pretending to be popcorn soup, little mad demon in popcorn kernel on top of a small pb&j sandwich, blueberries, and broccoli. The boiled egg bat was made using the CuteZcute Animal Palz Mini Sandwich Cutter and Egg Press. You can find it HERE.

Someone asked me what I take to work for lunch. So, I thought I would include a picture of one of my salads this week: kale, baby spinach, carrots, radish, broccoli, tomatoes, ham, and croutons. There is nothing cutesy in my lunch, but it tasted great!

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. How awesome, I especially love your Calvin lunch!

  2. Such wonderful lunches as always, I never cease to be amazed at how you manage to tie them all into books!
    Thank you for linking up to Fun Food Friday!

  3. What great and creative ideas! Thank for taking part in the Kid Lit Blog Hop and sharing with everyone.

  4. I have got to get my hands on the Popcorn Book - that looks fabulous. And, as usual, your lunches are so AWESOME!! Thanks so much for sharing your post in the Kid Lit Blog Hop.

    1. The Popcorn book is an oldie but goodie. Thanks so much for your kind comment.
