
Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Weekend

The weather did not cooperate with our plans this weekend. Friday night, I kept checking the hourly reports to see if Saturday's Swim Meet would be rained out. I really did not want to wake up at 5 am if the Meet was off. Boogs woke up a little before 5:00 ready to swim. During the first event, it started to rain a little. Then it really began to pour. I think about 7 heats were completed before the first crack of lightning stopped the Meet. It was another 20 minutes after the lightning before the Meet was called off. Getting all of the tents and equipment down in the downpour was interesting. Boogs and I were soaked to the skin by the time we left the pool. He was only wet from the rain because he never had a chance to get in the pool. We spent most of Saturday hanging out together playing games, reading, and watching tv.

Sunday's weather was gorgeous. It was sunny, breezy, and cool. Boogs and I went to Toy Joy for their Frankentoy event. The shop collects and keeps all of their broken pieces of toys for the kids to use to build their own new toy. Some of the pieces were: Barbie legs, heads from dolls, wheels, random plastic pieces, rubber ducks, beads, silly putty eggs, metal pieces, eyeballs, broken wind-up toys, and all sorts of odds and ends.
 It was crowded, so getting your turn at the hot glue gun was a lesson in patience.
Boogs used a long blue plastic piece as his base then added a sunglass lens, rubix cube pieces, a wind-up toy winder, half an eyeball, a brown ring, and a plastic top to his creation. He called it "Floating Space Junk".
Boogs really enjoyed doing this. I will have to see when they have their next Frankentoy event.
It was so beautiful outside, we decided to stop at the Central Market Playground on the way home.
 The patio had live music when we first arrived. Boogs and I had to dance!
 Boogs said he was a wild animal trapped in a cage.
 Later, he told me he was "a bat sleeping in the in the rafters of the playscape".
 We cooled down with some pink lemonade with prickly pear cactus juice while we walked on the trail around the pond.
There were at least 50 turtles in and around the pond. We had a fun time watching them bump into each other and swim around.

Then we came to the best climbing tree EVER! Many of the branches have grown all the way down to the ground. This made it perfect for Boogs to climb.
 He tried several different starting points before he found one that would help him reach the trunk.
I was a little bit scared when Boogs climbed over this part. It was at least 12 feet off the ground. He said, "Momma, if feels a little scary right here. You will catch me if I fall, won't you?" I said yes, but I know I would not have been able to. Yikes!
Luckily, the branch sloped towards the trunk. Boogs said he was no longer climbing at this point, he was letting gravity pull him to the trunk.
Success! Boogs made it to the trunk. There was a puddle of water at the center. He played there for about 20 minutes before he let me help him down.
My sister and I used to spend hours in the trees in the woods behind our house. We would climb so high that the branches would barely support our weight. My mom told us to have fun climbing but don't expect her to want to watch. We managed to make it through childhood without any broken bones. I am sure I will have to adopt my mom's 'you can do it but I don't need to see it' philosophy for Boogs daredevil adventures.

This post is linked to Country Kids From Coombe Mill's outdoor linky party. Be sure to check out all of the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar.


  1. What a busy weekend, it's a shame the swim meet couldn't go ahead. Then the sun was shining again and I can see what fun was had at the park and climbing a wonderful looking tree - our children would be envious. I am a bit jealous of your Turle watching! Thanks for popping in and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Boogs had a great time in the sunshine.

  2. That is a GREAT climbing tree!!

    1. When he was up in the tree, it felt like he was 50 feet up.
