
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Boogs' First Kid K

A little over a month ago, I asked Boogs if he wanted to run a race with me. I would run the 5K and he could run the Kid K. Last time I ran this 5K a couple of years ago, Boogs was really interested in the kid race because each of the kids received a medal at the end of the race. He said he would run if he could get a medal. I signed us up for the race and invited a few friends and my mom to join us. Shortly after that, the Texas allergy season hit us hard. Boogs had a terrible cough that kept him up at night for almost a week. I was so worried about it that I took him in to the doctor's office twice within three days. I was not feeling well either. Two days before the race, I went to the doctor and found out I had a really bad ear infection. I had a reaction to the antibiotics and could not run the race or the Kid K with Boogs. Boogs was okay with going by himself.

This is the best picture I could get at the start line.

After I watched the kids start, I cut across the field to wait at the finish line. I expected to wait awhile because Boogs has usually been a slow runner in kickball and baseball. I was really surprised when the first few kids started coming in to the finish area. Boogs was the third runner to finish. WOW! I did not know he was that fast.

 He was barely winded after the race. He explained that he could have been faster but he was not sure exactly where the finish would be so he slowed down for a little while. Boogs is excited about being in more races.

 C, Mom, and Big Sis (C's oldest daughter) just before the start of the 5K.

My Mom was all smiles as she waved to Boogs.

While the others were running the 5K, Boogs found the bouncy house. He spent almost 30 minutes jumping while we waited for C, Mom, and Big Sis to finish their race. Where does he get all of that energy?
 C was the first of the group to cross the finish line.
 Big Sis and Mom came around the last corner together. I wish I had my video camera turned on. These two decided to run like Phoebe and Rachel for the last part of the race.
 Mom with a double thumbs up as she crossed the finish line. I love her goofy spirit!
The after photo was all smiles. Wait, maybe the smiles were for thoughts about Kerby Lane pancakes for breakfast.
I was really disappointed that I was unable to participate, but I was so pleased that Boogs had so much fun. We will have to check into a few more Kid runs for him before the Texas heat comes back.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar!


  1. One of mine is a good runner and just loves it. It is great exercise and a good boost to their self esteem to discover they have a core strength in a sport. I hope Boogs gets to keep his running going. Lovely to see you back on Country Kids.

    1. Thanks! We have been having a terrible allergy season and it is keeping us mostly inside. We need some rain to wash away the pollen and spores and then we will be practically living outside again.

    2. I don't usually wish for rain but it sounds likeyou need some.

  2. Hooray for speedy Boogs! And I love the Phoebe & Rachel run - I'd never seen that before. :)

    1. Boogs really enjoyed participating. That Friends episode was a funny one.

  3. wow this look fantastic, am on a weight loss journey so i can finally start to run (something i used to do a long time ago)

    I have popped over from the Coombe Mill linky x

    1. Good luck with your running. Thanks for the kind comment.

  4. I'm glad you were both able to run and that he did so great. I'm featuring this tomorrow on Hobbies and Handicrafts. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thanks for the feature. I was unable to run this time, but hope to next time.

  5. Wow he did brilliantly coming third! Looks like you have an athlete on your hands there (belatedly popping over from last week's Country Kids ;) )

    1. Thanks for popping over. I am glad he enjoyed it so much.
