
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kitchen Time

Boogs has been my kitchen helper this past week. When he was little, he LOVED working in the kitchen with me. Lately, he would rather not. I was happy to have him back in the kitchen with me to make an old favorite and a new recipe.

Baked Kale Chips - Rinse one bunch of kale, tear into pieces, dry in salad spinner, spread out on parchment lined cookie sheet, spritz with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt, bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Boogs' favorite thing about making Kale Chips is using the salad spinner.
 He put waaaaaaay too much salt on half of the kale before I could stop him.
 Boogs waited patiently for his chips to bake.
Yum! Nice and crunchy! Boogs ate at least half of the kale on the cookie sheet with his dinner.

Boogs was not as willing of a helper when he found out I wanted to make Beet Pancakes. He let me know that the beet puree smelled like dirty dirt. I put three large beets in 1/4 inch of  water in a lidded baking dish at 425 degrees for an hour and then skinned and pureed them. Then Boogs read the ingredients we needed to get out for our pancakes.

Boogs was being very careful with his measurements.
 Yay, no eggshells in the bowl!
 Greek yogurt for extra protein.
Boogs is in-between being not quite tall enough to help while standing on ground and being too tall to help while standing on a chair.
 Didn't the beet pancakes turn out gorgeous? I thought they were delicious.
Boogs only ate the ones that had chocolate chips in them. He said the chocolate helped hide the dirt taste of the pancakes.

Kitchen helper flashback:

Homemade pizza with zucchini and a ton of cheese.
Making pear creatures for a snack.

I miss that messy art cabinet in the background.

Marshmallow snowmen spoons for hot chocolate.
Boogs with his chef hat and doggy apron.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar. I linked up to Highhill's Hobbies and Handicrafts Linky.


  1. Never thought of trying to make kale chips, thanks for the tip! Shall try that one of these days!

    1. Boogs has liked eating them since he was a toddler.

  2. Yum I'm making kale chips today for the first time :)

  3. This is a great post! We eat very healthy too and these are two creative dishes we haven't tried. The bright pink pancakes are awesome and I agree with your son. Beets do have an earthy smell.

    It would be great if you link up with Hobbies and Handicrafts.

  4. Aww love the flashback photos! And I love his description of the taste of beets. My hubs loves them, but I too think they taste like dirt! :) Thanks for sharing at the Sunday showcase!

    1. Flashback photos are so much fun. Thanks for co-hosting Sunday Showcase.

  5. I love these ideas and plan to feature them on Friday.

  6. So fun and delicious! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
