
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Adventures With Cutesy the Elf

Cutesy keeps coming up with ways to surprise Boogs every morning.

Boogs found Cutesy playing Zingo! with a few friends.
Boogs immediately counted all of the players cards to make sure Cutesy was winning. Then, he finished the game for everyone. Boogs cheered when when Cutesy won the game. 

Cutesy slid down the banister to leave another joke for Boogs. Cutesy found the elf jokes HERE.

Cutesy partially gift wrapped Boogs' bedroom door. He did not wrap the entire door because he was worried it would freak Boogs out. In the morning, I heard Boogs yell, "Momma, help I am trapped in my room." He figured out he could crawl under. He did not really like this elf trick until he was out of his room. Boogs left the wrapping paper up all day. At bedtime, he charged through it to get back into his room.

Cutesy hid on the top of the curtain in the playroom until Boogs found him.

Cutesy found the box of nursery rhyme felt pieces and our old felt board. 
Boogs enjoyed playing with it. He decided to look through the felt box and find all of the pieces to the Humpty Dumpty scene.

Ultimate Elf on the Shelf Link Party
Want to see more of Cutesy? Visit my Cutesy the Elf pinterest board or click on the "elf" label at the end of this post. Don't forget to check out my side bar for all of the wonderful sites I like to link to.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
