
Friday, November 2, 2012

Lunches October 29th - November 2nd

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks.

Not A Box by Antoinette Portis
I love this book. Antoinette Portis dedicated this book to "children everywhere sitting in cardboard boxes". The little rabbit has a box and someone keeps asking him why he is sitting in, standing on, etc. a box. Each time the little rabbit replies, "It's not a box." Then you see the box as part of a larger picture. When the rabbit is sitting in the box, he is imagining it is a race car. When the rabbit is standing on the box, he imagines he is on top of a tall mountain. I have been reading this book with some kindergarten classes this week. After the story, I have given the kiddos a piece of construction paper with a rectangle on it and asked them to imagine something else the box could turn into. It has been fun to see their ideas. The last time we had a big box at home, Boogs decided that it was his restaurant. He invited his dad and I inside to read his menus and place our orders. Another great book about boxes and imagination that Boogs really enjoyed was Christina Katerina and the Box by Patricia Lee Gauch. In the lunchbox: ham & cheese mini sandwiches with the rabbit, rabbit on a mountain, rabbit spraying the box with a hose, and the rabbit in a race car, yogurt, carrots, ranch dressing, and strawberries.

Happy Halloween, Mittens by Lola M. Schaefer
Boogs read this story to me about a little cat who wanted to help his owner get ready for Halloween. Little Mittens keeps making big messes. In the end, he is able to help his owner make a spooky ghost. Boogs thought this was a cute book and he was happy that it was not a creepy story. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j jack-o-lantern, boiled egg Mittens, cheese Fall leaves, dark as night blueberries, broccoli, and a candy ghost.

Franklin's Halloween by Paulette Bourgeois
Franklin is excited to go to his school's Halloween Costume Party. He has a hard time deciding what costume to wear. Eventually, he decides to go as Frankenstein. Franklin and his classmates have a good time at the party and even solve the mystery of the floating ghost. Boogs enjoys Franklin stories. He easily figured out the mystery of the ghost when a clue was left behind. In the ELB lunchbox: hummus & turkey on spinach tortilla Franklin, carrots, strawberries, pretzels, yogurt (under the owl pick) and candy corn.
Max's Castle by Kate Banks
This is another great book that plays with words. Max takes a box of blocks out from under his bed. His two older brothers think the blocks are too babyish for them to play with. Max changes their mind when everything he builds changes into the real thing. Max is able to play with and rearrange the letters in the words to keep moving the story forward. When the two brothers argue over who should be king, Max makes them both knights and tells them, "In every knight there is a king." Anagrams are used throughout the story. Boogs thought it was really neat when Max defeated PIRATES by rearranging the letters into RAT PIES. When the boys end up in a dark dungeon, they declare it a CATASTROPHE. Soon they discover that in every CATASTROPHE there is HOPE. In the Laptop lunchbox: ham & cheese CATASTROPHE mini sandwiches (made with FunBites Square Cutter), yogurt, plums, and salad. 
 Boogs bought his lunch one day this week because I overslept on Thursday. :-)
Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.  


  1. Great lunches! Franklin is my favorite.

  2. Wow, I am incredibly impressed! Those lunches look amazing, and what a fun idea to have them relate to the books you read!

    1. Thanks, Amy! My son loves his story lunches.

  3. These are all so creative! I love the thought and care you put into creating these lunches for your son!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Karen! I could not quite figure out how to make him. That is all I could come up with.

  5. Honestly so clever. I love coming back to see what you've created.

    1. Thanks, Jackie! I have enjoyed seeing all of the entries posted on your Children's Bookshelf linky. Thanks for inviting me to participate.

  6. I love the book, Max's Castle! Thanks for linking up to The Children's Bookshelf.

  7. Your lunches are so creative...I love the way you tie them to your son's bedtime stories. Adorable!

  8. Your Franklin sandwich is super cute. Thanks so much for linking up to The Children's Bookshelf. You always have the most creative meals.

  9. Your Franklin is amazing! I am going to share it on Read.Explore.Learn.'s Facebook page.

  10. Oh, I love it!! I always love coming to see what you have been reading and getting great new books to check out. Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
