
Friday, November 30, 2012

Lunches November 26th - 30th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read a book or a chapter of a book to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks.

Cutesy The Elf Lunch (not based on a book)
 Our mischievous little elf has come back to watch over Boogs this holiday season. He made Boogs a lunch this morning. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j sandwich with bread and cheese Cutesy sitting on top, Cutesy is holding a Babybel cheese ornament and a Jolly Rancher letter, strawberries, broccoli, and tomatoes. (If you click the "elf" label at the end of this post, you can see what mischief Cutesy caused last year.)

 How the Camel Got His Hump by Rudyard Kipling, Lisbeth Zwerger
We listened to this story a few months ago in the car on a cd. Boogs was happy to hear it again. The lazy and selfish camel would not work when all the other animals were working hard all day. A Djinn causes the camel to have a hump so that he could work three days straight without having to stop for food. The hump is his consequence for the camel's laziness. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j camel, Babybel sun, graham cracker desert sand, broccoli oasis, and mango.

The Surprise Visitor by Juli Kangas
Edgar discovers a small blue egg at his door one morning. He then sets out to find where the egg belongs. Boogs had fun guessing who the egg could belong to. In the Laptop lunchbox: cheese toast house, boiled egg, salad, grapes, and Pringles.

Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing by April Jones Prince
This book tells the story of the Brooklyn Bridge. It took 14 years to complete the bridge. After completion, many people were afraid that the bridge would not be strong enough to carry the weight of those crossing on it. P.T. Barnum came up with a way to prove the bridge's strength and promote his circus at the same time. He walked his 21 elephants across the bridge and proved that the bridge could withstand a tremendous amount of weight. In the Laptop lunchbox: pb&j elephant with cheese "21" on top, pretzel bridge, dried papaya, dried apricot, yogurt, and salad.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post or go to My Story Themed Lunches board on Pinterest. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.   


  1. I love the book 21 Elephants, but I never thought about making a lunch based on it. Thanks for linking up to The Children's Bookshelf.

    1. It is a great book. Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. I need to look for the book 21 Elephants. I think JDaniel will love it.

    I am sharing this post on the Read.Explore.Learn. Facebook page tonight.

    1. Oh Deirdre, I know you would come up with some amazing crafts to go with it for JDaniel.

  3. Yay! So glad cutesy is back what fun will he have this year? Can't wait to see :)

  4. Love your Cutesy lunch!!! What fun =-) Thanks for linking up & sharing on TGIF!
    Beth =-)

  5. Once again great lunches and some books for us to check out. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. Thanks, Carrie. I can't wait to see the wonderful link-ups at Sharing Saturday tomorrow.
