
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blogger Award

My blog received the One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Bent On Better Lunches. I am very honored that Cristi would pass this award on to me. I started making my son's story themed lunches last year when he entered kindergarten. Cristi and her blog have been a tremendous source of inspiration and support. Thank you, Cristi!

This is how the award works:
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers you admire.
  • Leave a comment on each of their blogs letting them know they have been nominated. 

7 Things About Me:
1. I am married to an alien - legally registered, of course. My husband is Canadian. We met on twelve years ago. He is definitely my match.

2. My favorite weird and tasty snack - saltine crackers topped with a slice of cheddar cheese and a pickle. 

3. I am a recovering pack rat, not a hoarder. Moving last year was the best thing for getting me to let go of so much stuff that I was keeping "just in case".

4. I grew up in a house where people from all over the world would stay for a few days to a couple of years - exchange students, teachers, missionaries, university students, and others.

5. I have a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. I love working with kids,  love kid's crafts and children's books.

6. Ninety percent of my wardrobe consists of Old Navy, solid colored t-shirts.

7. One of my favorite songs is Good Mother by Jann Arden. 
                                ...feet on ground, 
                                heart in hand, 
                                facing forward be yourself, 
                                just be yourself!

15 Blogs I Admire (in no particular order)

I chose these blogs because I connect with and admire their creativity, attitude, voice, and dedication to their families/craft. Thank you, ladies, for being such an inspiration. 


  1. Thank you for the nomination!

    Your favorite weird snack sounds quite tasty to me. I'm not a big saltine fan but I'd like that on some other sort of cracker, like a Wheat Thin or something.

    1. It has to be saltines! Even weirder is that when my husband and I were dating we discovered that he had been making that exact snack for a long time.

  2. To our daughter in law...High Five..Great accomplishment!!
    You are making a difference in this sometimes crazy world.
    Love you..J & J xxoo

  3. Thanks for sharing the award! I love Old Navy too--seriously awesome!

    1. You are welcome. Sadly, at least half of my Old Navy t-shirts are stained. When I was working in a preschool classroom, I wore them anyway and placed cute stickers in strategic spots to hide the stains. It was only right that I did that because most of the stains came from working at the preschool. LOL
