
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Camping Trip

My folks invited Boogs and I to go on a one night camping trip with them to Pedernales Falls State Park. It is a typical August in Texas, which means that you are lucky to have any days of the month stay below 100 degrees. So of course I said, "Sure, sounds like fun!" It was hot! Boogs had such a wonderful time that I will gladly go camping in the heat again. 

After seeing how much junk equipment we were taking for
ONE night of camping,we decided to stay for an extra night.

Boogs helped set up our tent.

Boogs helped Poppa get things into their tent.

Smores - we just left a couple of pieces of chocolate out of the cooler
for a bit and they melted enough for us to smear them on graham
crackers with a marshmallow. No campfire need.

We played a lot of cards - War, Old Maid, Crazy 8s.

Boogs made Wall-E out of dominoes.

We told spooky stories.

Reading by flashlight before going to sleep.

Hike to the Pedernals Upper Falls.

Scenic overlook

We were surprised at the amount of water. Texas has
not recovered from  last year's horrible drought.

Boogs checking out a water erosion cave.

It is hard to imagine this filled up with water.

Steps back up to the hiking trail.

Poppa and Boogs were hiding in the trees.

Nonnie and Boogs beneath a huge cypress tree.

Boogs said this rock looked like a cruise ship
 and he was climbing aboard.

Swimming at Blanco State Park.
Boogs enjoyed following around these geese.

Boogs liked hanging out in the tent.

Nonnie taught Boogs how to play Chicken Foot dominoes.

Boogs said he was a potato and his sleeping bag was his potato skin.

This 3 1/2 mile hike got too hot for Boogs. I ended up carrying him piggy
back for most of it. Good thing he only weighs 41 pounds.

Cool down in the river after our hike.

Boogs had a great time moving rocks around
and trying to build a small dam.
We spent about two hours on Friday visiting old friends in Blanco. Our plan had been to take showers at Blanco State Park after swimming, but the showers were $4 per person because of the continuing effects of last year's drought. We skipped the showers.

I am sure you noticed that Boogs wore the same clothes both days. I only packed clothes for one night of camping, not two. The first thing we did when we got home was bathe and put on clean clothes.

Thanks, Nonnie and Poppa for sharing this adventure with us. Boogs is ready for his next adventure with you.


  1. Great adventure!:) We have the heat up here in Boston as of our hottest summers ever!
    Try to stay stay cool!

  2. This looks awesome!! We went camping three years ago in August (by Austin) and spent each night with a fan strung up in our tent blowing on us! We've been in Texas for five years now and I'm still amazed at the high "overnight lows!" btw, I love Boog's Wall-E--very nice!

    1. Carla, I made sure I had a fan and an extra long extension cord. Boogs waited until he thought I was asleep and then he turned the fan to face only him instead of letting it blow on both us. He is a smart kid.

  3. Love your mini camping trip! Looks like you all had such fun, and I bet Boogs loved setting up his tent :-) Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times!

  4. Oh, what a wonderful adventure!! I wish my parents still camped, but now they don't and my husband doesn't. I'm not sure I want to adventure off with Hazel on my own. Thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times!

    1. My mom retired this summer, so we have been able to have more adventures with them. I would not take my son tent camping by myself either. Thanks for stopping by.
