
Friday, July 6, 2012

Lunches July 2nd - July 6th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read two books to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks.

Fair warning: For some reason, I was really not into making lunches this week. Sadly, it shows. I am posting them anyway.

We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub by Angela Shelf Medearis
This is a very silly book. Boogs laughs every time we read it. It is about a family who uses the rooms in their house in unconventional ways. They eat in the bathtub because they sleep in the dining room. They sleep in the dining room because they cook in the bedroom. We had fun trying to guess what they were going to do in each room. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j bathtub sandwich, checkered apple wall, blueberries, broccoli, and yogurt (not pictured).

Morris and Boris at the Circus by B. Wiseman
This was another book that made Boogs laugh out loud this week. Morris the moose has trouble understanding what Boris is telling him about the circus. This caused some funny events to occur. It reminded me a bit of how Amelia Bedelia gets everything mixed-up. In the ELB lunchbox: Boris the bear boiled egg, mini spinach quiche (using Momables recipe), blueberries, red/white/blue strawberry, veggies, and ranch dip.

Wolf by Becky Bloom
Wolf is hungry and thinks he will make a meal of some barnyard animals. Wolf ran and howled at a pig, duck, and cow, but these "educated animals" were too busy reading to be disturbed by Wolf's noise. Wolf was intrigued by the idea of educated animals. He enrolled in school and learned to read. Wolf went back to the farm and proudly read to the animals, "Run wolf! Run! See wolf run." The animals were not impressed. Wolf went to the library and the bookstore. He practiced reading until he could read a story with fluency, confidence, and passion. Finally, the educated animals stopped reading their books and asked him to read more to them. Wolf learned that hard work and dedication helped him become a good reader. I love the message of this story. In the ELB lunchbox: pb&j wolf with fruit leather glasses reading a cheese book, carrots, strawberries, and yogurt.

Pokemon: Time Out for Torchic adapted by Tracey West and Katherine Noll
This is a Pokemon story. I think I have already mentioned that I will be happy when Boogs can read Pokemon stories by himself. In the ELB lunchbox: cheese Torchic sitting on top of pb&j sandwich, blueberries, blackberries, salad, and yogurt.

That Bad, Bad Cat! by Claire Masurel
A trouble making cat causes messes and destruction all over the house. His family frequently gets upset with him. When the cat runs away from home, the family misses him. They realize that good or bad, they love their cat. Boogs was easily able to read this book to me. In the ELB lunchbox: salami & cheese cat knocking over a Momables spinach quiche flowerpot, Goldfish crackers that cat tried to fish out of the aquarium, kiwi & blackberry flowers the cat ate, and salad.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post. I would love for you to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by. 


  1. My kids haven't gotten into Pokemon yet, but there are a few books in our house that only daddy is kind enough to read more than one. ha!

    I love the cat lunch!

    1. Thanks, Brittney! My husband holds the title "The Reader of Comic Books" in our house. Ugh! I find many comic books to be pointless and annoying.

  2. I totally love your Pokemon Lunch Keitha! My son is a huge fan and somehow, I couldn't put my skills together to make him even just one lunch. I guess the first lunch I made for him that has Pikachu on was our Patriotic Blog Hop. And I actually made use of his figures just to see a lit on his face. I'd probably have to start sketching on food now since I do it for him on paper anyways. I'd like to find out what you used on that cheese?

    1. I just used a Wilton paint brush and Wilton
      and black Wilton Icing Color

  3. It might be fun to eat lunch in the bathtub. It is so hot here we will need to try!

    1. I have to admit that I once fed Boogs while he was in the bathtub because it was really late. I was killing two birds with one stone.

  4. Love the dinner in the bathtub book! And all your lunches are so fun as always :)

  5. I featured you today on Blissful and Domestic. Stop by and check it out!

    1. Danielle, Thanks for including me in your summer fun round-up!

  6. You really have a knack for creative meals! Sometimes I get a vision, but they rarely turn out the way I imagine, LOL. I might need to buy that book, We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub. I think my kids would get a kick out of it.

  7. these are too cute! stopping by to let you know I featured this post today on the Sunday Showcase! thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for the feature! Glad you joined in hosting the Sunday Showcase!
