
Friday, May 11, 2012

Lunches May 7th - 11th

Boogs' lunches are inspired by the books we read at bedtime the previous evening. Each night, Boogs reads one book to me and I read two books to him. I usually post his lunches once a week. Click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post to see lunches from previous weeks. 
The Magic School Bus Butterfly and the Bog Beast by Joanna Cole
Boogs is a BIG fan of The Magic School Bus series. He likes the books and the PBS show.  In this book, Ms. Frizzle's class is trying to pick out a mascot for their soccer team. One person suggested "The Butterflies" and another suggested "The Bog Beast".  Ms. Frizzle takes the class to the swamp to find out more about butterflies and bog beasts. After reading this book, I had Boogs draw a few butterflies that could easily be camouflaged in his room. I taped them around the room and had him try to find them. Boogs already has a few ideas about how to make his next butterflies harder to find. In the lunchbox: almond butter & jelly school bus (I don't have a bus cookie cutter) sandwich, fish crackers from the swamp, butterfly cut out of wax on Babybel cheese, swampy foliage salad, and soccer ball decorated pineapple container.

Digging Up Dinosaurs by Aliki
Boogs brought this home from the school library because he wanted to be sure I got a chance to read it.  We read it a few times during the week he had it checked out. In the lunchbox: pb&j dinosaur sandwich, cheese stick bone, sesame stick bones, mango layers of rock, carrot bones.

AlphaOops! The Day Z Went First by Alethea Kontis
This is a cute alphabet book. It reminded Boogs of The Scrambled States of America because one letter (state) was unhappy with its arrangement so it made everyone move. At the bottom of each two-page spread was the true alphabet covered up with each additional mixed-up letter. Boogs and I had fun singing the alphabet song with the mixed-up order of the letter. Boogs thought it was really neat to try and figure out which letter was missing from the new alphabet line. In the lunchbox: pb&j letter Z & A sandwiches, fruit leather letters, cantaloupe letters on top of blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli.

No Such Thing by Jackie French Koller
A boy is afraid of the boy-eating-monster under his bed. A monster is afraid of the monster-eating-boy on top of his bed.  This book has such a sweet and silly ending that it did not scare Boogs at all. He was a little upset that the book "stopped too soon." I won't spoil the story for you. You'll have to read it yourself. Boogs and I discussed how we would have ended the story. In the lunchbox: scared Babybel boy covering his mouth with cheese wax hands while lying on a  ham/cheese/bread bed, monster carrot finger with spinach, scared kiwi monster covering his mouth with spinach tortilla hands, Goldfish crackers, broccoli, and raisins. The kiwi monster was inspired by Another Lunch's kiwi Frankenstein.

A Sea-Wishing Day by Robert Heidbreder
A little boy and his dog are playing in their backyard wading pool, pretending to have a sea adventure. The first line of the book, "I wished so hard to sail the sea that the sea sailed right to me!", started their adventure. After a couple of pages, Boogs yelled out, "Oh, I get it! This is an imagination book? Everything happens cause the boy is pretending." The boy meets rogue waves, a nine-headed sea beast, finds a treasure chest, escapes from pirates, and has many other adventures. I asked Boogs if there is something he wished would become a real adventure. He said he wished his Battle Cards could turn into a real tv cartoon that he could watch with his friends. The boys in his kindergarten class draw all sorts of beings with super powers and then tell each other whose power beats who. In the lunchbox: ham & cheese boat, Goldfish crackers, fruit leather Coconut Island, "coconut" pistachios, gold & jewels fruit, nine-headed sea beast tortellini with pesto sauce, and a small container of salad (not pictured). I put this lunch into my very first ELB.
This post is linked to Lunchbox Dad's Throw Back Thursday Lunch Link-up

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! If you want to see more book inspired lunches, click on the "lunches" label at the end of this post. Be sure to leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by.


  1. Those lunches are awesome! My kids enjoy The Magic School Bus series too. I love how it makes learning exciting for them.

  2. just TOO cute... wish i would get creative like this

  3. I think JDaniel will love the book about the mixed up letters!

    Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  4. You are so creative! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Oh my stars! How fun!Lnch time is almost always story time in our home, and I have a couple of picky eaters on my hands. I must try this!

  6. I LOVE that bus--partly because my 23-month old is in love with busses too! I totally want to attempt this one--did you paint the wheels on? Thanks for sharing at Teach Me Tuesday!!

    1. The wheels on the bus (go round and round - sorry, could not resist) are slices of cheese stick colored with a Wilton Food Writer.

  7. Thank you for all of the kind comments!

  8. Great ideas as always!! I love seeing the different books you pick. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
