
Friday, January 6, 2017

Skiing At Vorlage

We decided to take a day and go to the Gatineau Mountains in Quebec to ski at Vorlage. My husband had asked around for a family friendly ski area and several people told him this would be a great place. We called and booked a ski lesson for Boogs. My husband and I have not skied for well over twenty years. I was not that great of skier back then. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon.
When we arrived at Vorlage, we found out they still considered it to be pre-season. That was unfortunate because it meant the only chair lift open was attached to three blue runs. This was the first time Boogs had ever been on skis and there were no green or even a bunny hill open for him to learn how to ski. 
Boogs loves being in the snow.
It was a bit rough for him trying to come down the blue run. He kept at it. His instructor was basically the same size as Boogs. She said she was having a hard time holding him back because of the steepness of the hills. At least, Boogs learned how to get back up after falling. He had a lot of practice with that.
After his lesson, Daddy took him down the hill. They made it to the bottom without falling.
The nice thing about it being pre-season, was the lack of people at Vorlage. The local schools were still in session. So there were only about ten skiers in the entire place.
 We never had to wait for the chair lift and rarely shared a slope with anyone.
 It was so beautiful! The air was crisp, the sun peeked out every once in a while.
 Daddy had fun. He really enjoyed being able to go right back up without any crowds.
Boogs decided he would rather play in the snow without skis on while Daddy and I kept skiing. He played near the chair lift while I went on a few more runs. Then Boogs and I went in for hot cocoa while Daddy kept skiing. It was a lot of fun. Boogs said he enjoyed it but it was also frustrating. Next time we go skiing, we will make sure there are green slopes for him.
I am the queen of the wedge. I really did not care how ridiculous I looked making extra wide snowplow turns down the slopes. And hey, I only fell twice. Not too shabby.

Here's Daddy on one of his first runs down the slope. By his fifth run, he was zipping down and lapping me.

Next year, we will try again.
This post is linked to:
Country Kids From Coombe Mill

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Annual Bird Hike & Tobogganing

We left for Canada to visit my husband's family on December 19th. We had an amazingly easy day of travel. Our traveling luck held out with wonderful weather during the first part of our visit. Boogs was thrilled with the snow in Ottawa. The first full day we were in Ottawa, I had to go get Boogs a new snowsuit. I had forgotten to pack his snow pants. I also forgot to pack my camera. I guess that is what I get for packing the morning we were leaving town. It all worked out, Boogs old snow suit was over two years old and he barely fit into it. The new one should be big enough to last for two years. After Boogs put on his snow suit, he spent at least three hours in the front yard playing in the snow, came in for a bite to eat, and then went back out to play in the snow.

The next day we went on our annual feed-the-birds hike. We have been going on this hike with my husband's family since before Boogs was born. Last year, there was no snow so Boogs was thrilled to have a snowy hike this year.

We loved watching all of the squirrels. This little guy, took over a bird feeder. He let me get really close to take a picture before scampering off.
Boogs tried his luck at feeding the birds in this lean-to.
With a few seeds in his hand and a few more on his hat, birds stopped by in a constant stream.  Can you see the bird sitting on top of Boogs' hat?
Daddy left this message in the snow for Boogs to find.
Boogs wrote a message back for him.
We kept walking to our usual bird feeding spot. Now I am going to post way too many pictures of the birds landing on our hands.
We probably stood with our arms extended for an hour. After a while, Boogs had to use his other hand to prop up his arm.

This little squirrel was sticking his tongue out at us. He kept stalking the bird feeder, waiting for us to move out of his way.
I showed Boogs how to pick a spot where he could rest his arm on some small branches.
Grandmaman and Grandpapa headed back to the car while we stayed to feed the birds a little while longer.
We took the long way back to the parking lot and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
We always have to go have a Harvey's burger when we go to Ottawa.

We dropped Grandmaman and Grandpapa off at home before we headed to Mooney's Bay sledding hill. Boogs tried to stand on his saucer and slide down this little hill on the way to the sledding hill.
He fell down right after I took this picture.
Boogs went down the big side of the hill first. It took me a while to have the courage to try it. It was fast and far.
The climb back up the hill was long and tiring. We were the only people at the hill for most of the time we were there.
It was fun riding down the hill together on the toboggan.
Here are a few more pictures from our afternoon of sledding. It was a beautiful day and we certainly got in our exercise coming back up the hill.

Daddy was standing at the bottom of the hill, in our way. He kept moving in line with where we were coming down just to mess with us.  

This post is linked to:
Country Kids From Coombe Mill 


2016 Holiday Happenings

I am a bit slow posting our holiday happenings. Boogs and I enjoyed decorating the gingerbread house Cutesy the Elf brought this year.
Boogs added Halloween bat pretzels to the decorations.
 Of course, I had to read Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett and make a story themed lunch to go with it.
 Boogs helped out with some holiday baking.
We took a family walk to a nearby park. The weather was kind of gray and misty, but it was still a fun outing.

We took a small road trip to break in Daddy's new car. Boogs is great at hooking up the car for an electric charge.
 We went to Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's Outdoor Sports Store to shop for Boogs Christmas gift.
 Daddy wanted to get Boogs his first .22 rifle for target practice.
 We visited a a street nearby with loads of holiday spirit. The entire cul-de-sac goes all out with their Christmas lights.
I got to attend Boogs' classroom holiday party. This will be the last one. I can't believe he will be in middle school next year. The party started with a painting-with-a twist type activity.
Next up were a series of Minute-to-Win-It type games. Boogs was pretty good at standing up candy corn.
My favorite game to watch was the move an Oreo from your forehead to your mouth with only your face muscles. It was hilarious watching the kids contort their faces to move the cookies.
We celebrated Christmas at home before we left for Canada to visit my husband's family. Boogs asked me to help him make a present for Daddy. Boogs noticed that Daddy likes playing the ping pong fish bowl game at Main Event whenever we go, so he decided to make one himself.
Boogs named the game Lucky Shot and put Canadian Maple Leaf Loonies as decorations. It was a fun game. We spent about an hour challenging each other to matches after it was opened.
Daddy and Boogs surprised me with a new pair of earrings.
Boogs has been talking about drawing and writing descriptions of some creatures he has thought of for a game he wants to make. We got him a leather journal with lined and blank pages. He was very happy with it.
We went to my parents house for a Christmas gathering but I forgot to take any pictures. This was also the first Christmas that Boogs decided not to get his picture taken with Santa. Some days I wish time would slow down.